Most of the current blood glucose meters available in the market is hard to use. In order to use it needs to prick  finger, take the blood and put it on the test strip, stick it into the meter to get the reading. The issue with this process is, it hurts, the wound heals slow, there is a chance to get infected, and the strips are expensive

It is Painful: Using an invasive glucometer is painful! No matter how small and thin the needle is, pain is still there which can be problematic for others. Measuring blood glucose level is an everyday thing for diabetics, so it becomes difficult to incorporate this pain into one’s routine.

It can Lead to Non-Compliance: the use of invasive glucometer can elicit pain. Due to this pain, patients might develop a psychological barrier that can keep them from checking their blood glucose regularly. This non-compliance can eventually affect their blood glucose control and they can have episodes of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Non-compliance can be dangerous because it can increase the chances of complications of diabetes, include kidney disease, heart disease, eye involvement and nerve involvement which are irreversible.

It is Costly: The invasive glucometers need strips to check blood glucose and each strip can only be used one time, can not be reused which is very costly. 

It is not Always Accurate: There is a variety of invasive glucometers available in the market and some are less accurate than others. The ones which are more accurate are usually priced on the higher side, so not everyone can afford them. Moreover, there are many other factors that can affect the accuracy of these devices. These factors include the quality of strips and the amount of blood put on the strip.

It can Cause Infection: When you prick your finger, the skin barrier that saves from infection is broken. Diabetic people are more prone to infection, so this tiniest hole can be a site for the entry of bacteria and infection can occur. Due to low immunity, any kind of infection can be dangerous for diabetic persons. It is advised by doctors to avoid any kind of trauma to stay safe from infection and related complications.

There are Chances of Cross Infection: Although the chances are low, it is not impossible. You can get infected with Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, AIDS, and other transmittable diseases by using a used needle.